Monsoon has finally set in my place!
The unbearable heat said adios with petrichor of the soil. The clouds played the game of how much can I run today and which look should I adopt and one day finally we had a pour down making the brown muddy water flow in front of our house with a gush and mild vigour!
I have mixed feelings about the Rains, but there are a few things which bring me absolute happiness!
Owing to my gardening experiments, each shower of rains brings joy to heart because it makes my plants glow, like they got the gift they were longing for decades.
The feel of the water on my hands falling on my hand while I try to protect myself and enjoy the rain at the same time sends me back to my childhood days.
Not that I like going out in the rain now but this cool weather and the green weeds sprouting almost everywhere are a very welcome change. So with the rainy radiance in air, I decided to draw and colour something rainy too.
Here are some of my creations!
1) The sun is scare in monsoon but when it finally appears, it is actually heartwarming!
2) Tea and Rain are one of the best combinations!
3) Have you seen the fancy umbrellas the kids have? Aren’t they the cutest?
4)How about some flowery Gumboots?
5) I always enjoy making little paper boats in spite of knowing that they will not last for long.
6) A girl with an umbrella!
7) There is something magical about mushrooms. I called then umbrella as a child!
So that are all my rainy drawings! Tell me about your favourite rain activity!
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Adios until the next time!