Home Drawing My Vibrant Sketchbook Stories

My Vibrant Sketchbook Stories

by Aejal D. Patel

Last month I bought my first ever sketchbook.

I debated a lot with myself before I bought one. And here are my arguments.

A sketchbook makes it easier to track my progress. I can easily compare and critique my work. I can even write notes for specific techniques and not have to go to the internet for every little thing.

I doodle a lot and it’s easy to use the old art to create new ones if I have them safe and saved in the sketchbook, especially if it is a character. I tend to lose the sheets of paper I use, a lot of them get ruined before they end up in a folder which has a probability of being lost in other folders, again!

And there is this new trend of creating reels and shorts. I could make one too, ie when and if I fill my sketchbook.

So I browsed the internet and settled for a drawing journal from the scholar store. It has good 300 gsm paper, acid-free, 100 percent cotton. The acid-free paper was recommended to me cos the paper does not turn yellow with time.

I was excited and I gave my sketchbook a whimsical beginning with this Pumpkin Chariot.

And it’s hard to stop when I have something too nice to experiment with. I filled it in, plants and flowers, quotes and words, and but then with new things come new problems.

The number one is spoiling the other side of the paper because I unintentionally closed the book before letting the art on another page dry. If you are an artist, you know what I am talking about!

The other problem being somehow I could not stop my paper from being torn because of the paper tape, with good paper I was so sure I was never going to spoil my art with torn tapes but alas I was wrong.

And one of the most important things I forgot while buying a sketchbook was, along with the good tales, it will also have a history of my failures. And come on, who likes to be reminded of failures?

Thank God a sketchbook is a lot more personal than Instagram and everything does not have to be tip-top or fancy.

Even after this, Each time I open my sketchbook, I feel a little bit of pride in coming this far and a lot of humility because I have a long way to go. Flipping through my sketchbook makes me feel so good, sometimes I just open it for the sheer pleasure of it.

The one thing I love about the sketchbook is that it makes my work look so professional, maybe it’s just me, tell me if you agree about this in the comment section.

Because it is small in size, I can carry it around easily but going out has been scarce ever since March 2020 but hey, I would hate to miss an opportunity to paint outdoors. So far this sketchbook has been a good purchase and I am thinking of buying at least one more! So the lesson learned was to Embrace the journey, as long as I am on the learning curve there are going to be some bad art instances as well. I am learning not to be frustrated with it.

To conclude, buy a sketchbook, or at least something that keeps your work in one place. And the people who just bought a watercolor sketchbook, don’t close it before it dries!

Tell me your thoughts in the comment section. All kinds of constructive criticism are welcome!

Also, we have a fantastic update coming up on our gallery section. And it is going to be very exciting. Until the next post, Adios!

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Viraj Kalsariya April 8, 2021 - 3:34 pm

There is no better pleasure than looking at your own art and I must say you started very well with your first sketchbook. Moreover, this all paintings are so beautiful especially the one of trees. Besides, I appreciate the idea of using coleus leaves for taking pictures😉.

Aejal D. Patel April 8, 2021 - 7:59 pm

And I appreciate you for noticing the leaves! 🤗Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I am grateful!

Matilda C. April 9, 2021 - 10:25 am

Gosh! I totally love the drawings darling..! You are blooming slowly everyday with such a beautiful and graceful pace. Just looking at these beautiful pictures I am going all sparkles right now. I am definitely buying a sketchbook for some art experince and yes I won’t forget the closing before it dries part. 😂

Can’t wait for the new gallery..! Gosh!😯 Babe I didn’t know your blog had this game. It’s quiet pretty, I love it.

Aejal D. Patel April 9, 2021 - 9:20 pm

Your Enthusiasm is contagious Matilda! Thank You So Much for al the support.
The game part is Francis’s efforts. Well I am glad you liked the game.

Aejal D. Patel April 9, 2021 - 9:20 pm

And when you buy a sketchbook I want to know everything about it!🤗


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